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Anxiety: What is it and ways to deal with it

What is anxiety? Anxiety is the body's response to situations of uneasiness, fear, dread, and distress.

Picture this, you are standing in front of clients at your job. It is your first time leading them through documents, your mind starts racing, your hands feel clammy, and your heart is beating in your ears. You have the feeling that you need to run away from this situation. While the event was not life-threatening the stress or uneasiness you felt from standing in front of clients signaled to your body that it was not right, and you needed to flee for survival.

While the above scenario may not happen for everyone, there are many similar situations that cause people to have the fight or flight sensation when they are in an uncomfortable situation.

Anxiety can happen for a number of reasons, but there are three main categories that can be put Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, and Trauma and stress related disorders.

Anxiety Disorders are characterized by having an excessive amount of fear, this can be something you are worrying about now or even worrying about in the future, these can lead to negative behaviors and emotional consequences Jovanovic, (n.d).

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is obsessive thoughts that lead to compulsive behaviors to alleviate the anxiety from the situation Jovanovic, (n.d).

Trauma and related disorders occur when a traumatic experience has occurred.

Anxiety can affect many facets of your life if left unchecked:

- Panic Attacks

- Depression

- Headaches

- Irritability

- Upset Stomach

- Loss of libido

- Pounding heart

- Breathing problems

- Extreme fatigue

- Increased blood pressure

- Muscle aches and pains

These are all symptoms that can arise when dealing with anxiety. A lot of times it will start with an elevated heart rate and an increase in your breathing. This is your body's way of preparing you for whatever situation is about to be faced, sometimes people feel such an extreme elevation in breathing and heart rate that it can cause dizziness and nausea (Healthline, 2018).

When left untreated it can seriously deteriorate your health. You can be more susceptible to cardiovascular issues (especially if you already have issues with your coronary system). Immune and respiratory issues can occur also. It can also cause you to gain weight due to an influx in cortisol levels, this over time can lead to diabetes and other issues related to weight. It can even affect your digestive systems. Constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, loss of appetite, and other digestive issues can be the result of someone dealing with untreated anxiety for an extended amount of time.

So, what do we do about it?

Counseling is a great option to help combat anxiety. Through counseling, you can recognize, manage, and overcome your symptoms. You can learn different techniques to improve your life to lower anxiety, such as communication skills, and learning and creating self-acceptance for yourself.

One great technique used in counseling is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This helps you to learn the root causes and learn how to change your behavior in a positive manner.

There are also certain medications that can be used to help with anxiety.

Anxiety can be work, and if you are not willing to put in the work the consequences regarding health and life satisfaction can be severely affected.

Anxiety is frustrating and can really interrupt your life. It can make seemingly simple tasks feel overwhelming and make certain events feel like they are looming over you. While it is not always easy, it is very possible to work through your anxiety. Exercise, a healthy diet, and seeking a quality bond with a mental health counselor are helpful ways to manage anxiety.

And remember to enjoy the little things!



Cherney, K. (2020). Healthline. Effects of Anxiety on the Body. 12 Effects of Anxiety on the Body (

Jovanovic, T. (n.d.). Anxiety » What Is Anxiety? Signs, Causes, Symptoms

This post was written by Kristin Armistead and published by Mandevilla Mental Health Counseling, PLLC

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